Jules Verne's Mikhail Strogoff rides again!

Jules Verne’s Michel Strogoff to receive its first new English translation in a century!
I am so excited to be telling you that Eagle Books, the new imprint from Christmas Press, will be publishing in 2016 my translation of acclaimed French author Jules Verne’s much loved Michel Strogoff: Moscou – Irkoutsk.
I feel very privileged to be translating this special novel. Unlike many of his better known tales, Jules Verne's Mikhail Strogoff (as it will be published in English) is not science fiction. Rather, it is a rip-roaring, historical adventure set in pre-revolutionary Russia. For over a century, it has been considered by the French to be one of his best novels, popular with teenagers and adults alike.
It is truly an honour to be part of Sophie Masson’s team at Eagle Books who is responsible for bringing this wonderful story to a whole new English-speaking audience.
If you want to be part of this exciting adventure, why don’t you log on to:
You can pre-order a beautiful copy of the limited edition hardcover for just $55 within Australia and New Zealand (or $75 for other places in the world, postage included). If you wish to contribute in other ways, you will see there are many levels at which you can participate with some wonderful perks to be earned.
Mikhail Strogoff is a true, seat-of-the-pants historical chase novel. It has beautifully drawn characters, sharp dialogue and twists and turns aplenty … all set in the fascinating, ever-changing Russian landscape, from Moscow to Irkutsk!
I know it will find a happy home on your bookshelf next to your copies of Jules Verne’s other much-loved favourites.
It will be a book to treasure!